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Promoting Health and Safety
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Listed below are the strategies within the Creating Economic Opportunity focus area.  A strategy sets the direction and offers guidance for implementation of the Vision Statement.  Each strategy has a recommended set of projects and programs (actions) to bring the Vision to life.  To review the actions, click on the projects and programs link at the bottom of the chart .  To switch focus areas, click on the symbols below the focus area title.

                                 Promoting Health & Safety Strategies

 Emphasize wellness by educating all generations, starting with the youngest, about
 the benefits of staying fit and healthy.
 Increase the availability of affordable, accessible health care to the community’s low-
 income residents.
 Expand the existing home and hospice care systems and other health care services
 for the elderly as the aging population increases.
 Sustain community support for public safety programs.
 Expand and sustain neighborhood-based community safety programs and networks
 for emergency preparedness and crime prevention.
 Enhance the multi-language communications network included in the community’s
 planning and response program.
 Reduce incidence of violence in the community committed by youth and against youth.
Projects and Programs 

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