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Expanding Educational and Cultural Horizons
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Listed below are the strategies within the Expanding Educational and Cultural Horizons focus area.  A strategy sets the direction and offers guidance for implementation of the Vision Statement.  Each strategy has a recommended set of projects and programs (actions) to bring the Vision to life.  To review the actions, click on the projects and programs link at the bottom of the chart .  To switch focus areas, click on the symbols below the focus area title.

                   Expanding Educational & Cultural Horizons Strategies

Support initiatives that will ensure Hillsboro retains the highest quality educational systems.
Ensure that Hillsboro’s library system is accessible and valuable for all members of the community and that it remains an integral part of the community’s educational resources.
Assure structured, wholesome activity for youth by promoting and expanding extracurricular opportunities.
Bring community seniors and youth together in mutual learning, mentoring and support programs.
Promote and develop priority projects for the performing and cultural arts and craft exhibitions.
Encourage youth, adult and family knowledge of, appreciation and participation in the arts and cultural opportunities in the community.
Build and celebrate cultural diversity, awareness and understanding in the Hillsboro community.

Projects and Programs

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