Listed below are the strategies within the Stregthening and Sustaining Community focus area. A strategy sets the direction and offers guidance for implementation of the Vision Statement. Each strategy has a recommended set of projects and programs (actions) to bring the Vision to life. To review the actions, click on the projects and programs link at the bottom of the chart . To switch focus areas, click on the symbols below the focus area title.

Stregthening & Sustaining Community Strategies

Develop a citizen involvement plan to promote early, frequent and regular participation in local decisions and actions.
Make on-line technology accessible and affordable to all residents of the community.
Establish community information systems that keep citizens informed of City-wide activities and provide citizen access to community networks.
Develop a community identity program that reflects Hillsboro’s character.
Develop a common "Hillsboro" address for every home and business within the boundary of the City reflected in all local postal addresses.
Identify and promote community events that bring residents together and attract outside visitors.
Promote the establishment of centers for meetings, conferences and other community activities.
Expand on existing program to identify and nurture future community leaders.
Provide for adequate and accessible child care for all working families in Hillsboro.
Assure the adequate provision of recreation, sports and aquatic facilities that are affordable and accessible to all area residents, and plan for their development.
Projects & Programs