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Preserving The Environment Focus Area
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Listed below are the strategies within the Preserving the Environment focus area.  A strategy sets the direction and offers guidance for implementation of the Vision Statement.  Each strategy has a recommended set of projects and programs (actions) to bring the Vision to life.  To review the actions, click on the projects and programs link at the bottom of the chart .  To switch focus areas, click on the icons below the focus area title.

                                Preserving the Environment Strategies

Inventory, designate and, as necessary, acquire major greenways, creeks and wetlands in the Hillsboro area for future protection and preservation. 
Establish a community-wide stream restoration program.
Identify and promote the restoration of wildlife habitats in the community.

Maintain clean air and water resources, and control noise and visual pollution.
Expand curbside and other recycling programs and facilities as well as recycling education programs aimed at both youth and adults.
Educate, encourage and demonstrate the use of "environmentally friendly" construction techniques and products for use in Hillsboro.

Projects and Programs

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