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Hillsboro 2020 Vision Overview
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The Hillsboro 2020 Vision Statement and Action Plan was developed over a three year period with extensive public input.  Over 1500 citizens participated in this community effort through public opinion polls, focus groups, public meetings and workshops, written surveys, web page responses and other venues.  The result is a community-based product which reflects the values and priorities of Hillsboro citizens. 

The Hillsboro 2020 Vision Statement is comprised of a core statement and six focus areas.  These include:  Strengthening and Sustaining Community; Enhancing Neighborhoods and Districts; Preserving the Environment; Creating Economic Opportunity; Expanding Education and Cultural Horizons; and Promoting Health and Safety.  The text to the Core Vision Statement and the six focus areas can be accessed on the home page under Our Vision.

For each focus area, a Vision and Action Plan with a recommended sequence of strategies and actions has been outlined to guide the implementation process.  To review the strategies and actions for each focus area, click on the symbol below each focus area title.





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