Environmental Stewardship | |
§ The City of Hillsboro, Clean Water Services, SOLV, local partners and hundreds of volunteers have planted over 68,294 native trees and shrubs along streams and natural areas in Hillsboro since 2005. Over 31,000 of those plants were planted in 2008 alone. § Jackson Bottom received a grant from Metro’s Nature in Neighborhoods Program to support a “Neighborhood Ecology” initiative in Hillsboro. The first phase enabled staff to work with residents of Arbor Rose on how to care for and protect riparian areas. In the future, Jackson Bottom hopes to expand the program to other neighborhoods located near streams and wetlands. § In partnership with Jackson Bottom, the City of Hillsboro offers a variety of nature programs, classes and day camps to youth. These have been very popular and additional classes are being added to accommodate interest. Opportunities for joint programs and projects will increase in coming years as the Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve joins the City of Hillsboro Parks & Recreation Department.
§ The “Go Native” campaign, led by Clean Water Services, helps people create natural landscaping that needs less watering and chemicals, and is resistant to pests and diseases. Participants learn how to attract birds, butterflies and beneficial wildlife to their yards and how to reduce erosion and protect water quality. Cleanwater Services has identified a range of native Pacific Northwest plants tailored for various soil types, sunlight needs, growing rates and other factors.
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