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New Strategy and Action Proposals

Hillsboro residents generated hundreds of ideas during the Year 10 Hillsboro 2020 Strategy Review (2009-10). Through public review and prioritization, 2 new strategies and 34 actions were added to the Hillsboro 2020 Vision Action Plan. These new ideas are listed below, organized by focus area:

Strengthening and Sustaining Community

  • Facilitate communication with neighborhoods through HOA and multi-family housing contacts.
  • Create a "neighborhood projects toolkit" for community service projects.
  • Create and update a "Welcome to Hillsboro" webpage with information about local resources.
  • Support continuation and expansion of concerts and movies in parks.
  • Facilitate growth of the Latino Festival by adding new international components over time.
  • Develop an international garden to celebrate and connect diverse cultures and citizens.
  • Determine feasibility of expanding the size and duration of local farmers markets.
  • Expand access to and participation in Hillsboro-area volunteer opportunities.

Enhancing Neighborhoods and Districts

  • Help develop a policy and strategy for expanding the number of secure bike racks.
  • Install smart-crossings, including flashing beacons, at locations with pedestrian use.
  • Establish and promote safe bicycle and pedestrian routes to schools.
  • Create a bicycle network connecting population, transit and employment centers.

Preserving the Environment

  • Make it easier to access Jackson Bottom from downtown, and provide additional interpretive signage on-site.
  • (Strategy) Encourage organizations, businesses and residents to create a more environmentally-sustainable community.
  • Establish a public-private Sustainability Task Force to inventory sustainability efforts, develop future goals and initiatives and track implementation.
  • Facilitate links between local producers and consumers to minimize the carbon footprint.
  • Create a public outreach program to raise sustainability awareness and promote environmentally-responsible processes, products and programs.
  • Partner with Hillsboro schools to model sustainability through building design, conservation and curriculum.
  • Use peer-based outreach to promote the use of sustainable products and processes in our business community.
  • Create Sustainability Awards to recognize organizations and individuals who help meet sustainability goals.
  • (Strategy) Become a leader in energy conservation and renewable energy technology development and use by promoting collaborative public-private projects and partnerships.
  • Promote broader use of renewable energy by local residents and businesses by expanding options and reducing costs.
  • Launch pilot projects to showcase solar and other renewable energy technology in homes and businesses.
  • Create incentives and programming to promote conservation of water, electricity, gas and other limited resources.

Creating Economic Opportunity

  • Explore feasibility of establishing wireless networks in public spaces and places.
  • Market Hillsboro as a great place to do business by promoting our economic activity areas, quality of life features and the "Hillsboro Way" to prospective business investors.

Expanding Education and Cultural Horizons

  • Ensure students have local access to state-of-the-art math, science and technology education to prepare for the jobs of the future.
  • Expand parent involvement in all Hillsboro schools.
  • Create an inventory of early childhood learning programs and work to increase participation.
  • Foster public art projects that engage a broad range of partners and community members.
  • Inventory arts and culture facilities and identify access to additional facilities where needed.

Promoting Health and Safety

  • Expand Hillsboro-based medical services and capacity by adding counseling, dental health and hygiene and physical therapy regardless of patients’ ability to pay.
  • Help qualifying children register for insurance through the Oregon Health Plan.
  • Facilitate entry into senior housing, assisted living and foster care facilities, and encourage additional supply and diversity to meet changing demand.
  • Establish adequate emergency shelters for people in need of safe, temporary housing.
  • Develop location-appropriate strategies to enhance public safety in high-crime areas.

Lead Partners

The VIC is pleased to report the following organizations have signed- on as new Hillsboro 2020 community partners to lead one or more actions:

  • Hands On Greater Portland
  • Hillsboro Farmers' Market
  • One Economy Corporation
  • Pacific University
  • Washington County Bicycle Transportation Coalition

In addition, several existing organizational partners have agreed to lead implementation on some of the new actions added this past year:

  • City of Hillsboro
  • Greater Hillsboro Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Hillsboro School District
  • SOLV
  • Tuality Healthcare
  • Washington County
  • Westside Transportation Alliance

Thank you to our new and existing partners!

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