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    1. What is Hillsboro 2020?
    2. Who are the sponsors of Hillsboro 2020? What people and organizations are involved?
    3. How was the community involved in creating the Hillsboro 2020 Vision?
    4. What are some of the key ideas in the Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan?
    5. What is the Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan? Who created it and when was it adopted?
    6. How many strategies and actions does the Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan contain?
    7. Who is responsible for implementing the Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan?
    8. Who are the Hillsboro 2020 “lead community partners”? How many lead partners are there?
    9. How much of the Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan implementation is the responsibility of the City?
    10. What is the purpose of the annual Hillsboro 2020 Vision Town Hall?
    11. How long will it take for the entire Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan to be implemented?
    12. What happens after the 2020 Action Plan is implemented?
    13. Is the Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan making a difference in our community?
    14. What are some examples of specific Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan projects and activities?
    15. Who is paying for all of these activities in the community?
    16. Is the Hillsboro 2020 project considered a success?
    17. How can I become involved in Hillsboro 2020?
    18. How can I get more information on the Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan?
    19. Is Hillsboro 2020 the same as VisionWest and/or the Vision Action Network?

1. What is Hillsboro 2020?
Answer: Hillsboro 2020 is a community-based vision describing what Hillsboro will look and feel like in the year 2020. It evolved from a long term community planning process conducted from 1997 to 2000. The Hillsboro 2020 Vision was accompanied by an action plan to achieve it. The Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan was adopted by the Hillsboro City Council in 2000 and updated in 2005. Hillsboro 2020 is now in its ninth year of implementation.


2. Who are the sponsors of Hillsboro 2020? What people and organizations are involved?
Answer: Hillsboro 2020 is a community effort. Although the City of Hillsboro facilitated the planning process, which included an extensive city-wide public involvement program, the actual implementation is the responsibility of numerous community organizations and agencies. These 22 organizations and agencies include the City of Hillsboro, Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce, Tuality Healthcare, Washington County, Community Action Organization, Hillsboro School District, and Clean Water Services, among others.


3. How was the community involved in creating the Hillsboro 2020 Vision? Does the vision reflect the wider community and its diverse interest groups?
Answer: The Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan was created by the people who live and work in Hillsboro. To this end, between 1997 and 2000, the City of Hillsboro initiated and conducted its largest public involvement program ever to engage the entire community in creating this vision. The City Council appointed a 27-member citizen Task Force, representing a broad cross-section of community interests, to develop and recommend the Vision and Action Plan. To help the Task Force in its work, an extensive community outreach effort was designed and implemented including the following venues for public input:

  • A public opinion poll
  • Community leader focus groups
  • A “Vision Fair” kick-off event held in conjunction with the Hillsboro Tuesday Market
  • Five issues of a project newsletter (with feedback forms) mailed to every household and business in Hillsboro (approximately 30,000). Issues were also provided in Spanish.
  • Six workshops and/or community forums – including two in Spanish.
  • A speakers bureau which reached 35 community groups
  • Over a dozen interest-based focus groups
  • Six citizen-led vision action teams (81 participants)
  • Direct mailings to community groups and other interested parties
  • A Hillsboro 2020 website.
  • A Spanish language hotline

Over 1,500 citizens, from a broad range of interests, directly participated in creating the Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan.


4. What are some of the key ideas in the Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan?
Answer: The Vision Statement focuses on making Hillsboro a hometown. A place where all generations will want to live and where livability is a priority.

The Action Plan, which outlines 147 actions for achieving the Hillsboro 2020 Vision, offers a broad range of projects and programs in the six different Vision focus areas. Some of the actions are very specific while others are broad in scope.

  • There are specific “bricks and mortar” projects like a public plaza, a system of bicycle and pedestrian pathways, and a convention center.
  • Specific programs are called for such as after school programs, health care referral, stream restoration, and environmentally friendly construction education.
  • Some existing projects and programs were given priority by the Vision Action Plan, including the Hillsboro Police Department’s School Resource Officer Program, Hillsboro Water Department’s water conservation program, maintenance and enhancement of the Jackson Bottom Wetlands, and the development of the Glenn and Viola Walters Cultural Arts Center.
  • More specific long-term planning efforts are listed including an updated system-wide Parks Master Plan, an updated Economic Development Strategy, and a health care strategic plan.
  • Some actions are less specific but encourage certain community issues or needs remain a priority such as transportation and transit, library resources, public safety, and water supply.

If there is one theme that emerges from Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan, its connectivity – both physical and social. If you look at the Vision Action Plan, you’ll see ideas for connecting the City physically – such as the system of bicycle and pedestrian pathways. There are also numerous ideas for bringing citizens together such as special events and new public places. In fact, one key concept that was strongly emphasized was that of “third places.” The first place is where you live, the second place is where you work, and the third place is where you gather with other people. Throughout the Vision Action Plan, you will see suggestions for creating more third places in Hillsboro.


5. What is the Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan? Who created it and when was it adopted?
Answer: The Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan sets out specific actions to achieve the community-based Vision Statement, or “broad-brush picture” of what Hillsboro should be like in 2020. The Action Plan was created by Hillsboro citizens who participated in the Vision planning process (1997-2000). Specifically, a citizen-led Vision Task Force developed the plan with the help of Vision Action Teams (organized by the six Vision focus areas).


6. How many strategies and actions does the Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan contain? What is the difference between a strategy and an action? What are some examples of actions?
Answer: The Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan contains 48 strategies and 147 actions. The strategies serve as the framework of the Action Plan setting the overall direction. The strategies are closely tied to the Vision Statement which describes what Hillsboro would be like in 2020. For each strategy there is one or more actions to help achieve it. The actions have more specificity including a proposed outcome and a lead community partner responsible for facilitating its implementation. Some of the actions are very specific while others are broad in scope. (See response to Question #4.)


7. Who is responsible for implementing the Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan?
Answer: The Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan was designed to be implemented by the community rather than any one specific entity. During the Hillsboro 2020 planning process, a conscious decision was made for implementation responsibility to be divided between numerous organizations rather than relying on any one group. Thus, a broad range of community organizations and government agencies agreed to be lead partners. These lead partners have the responsibility for facilitating one or more actions – not necessarily funding the action(s). These 22 partners include: the City of Hillsboro, Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce, Washington County, Tuality Healthcare, Community Action Organization, Clean Water Services, SOLV, among others.

In addition to the individual responsibility of the lead partners, the Hillsboro City Council has appointed a citizen-led Vision Implementation Committee whose charge is to “monitor and facilitate” the implementation of the Vision. The 23-member committee consists of representatives of some lead partners as well as other community interests.


8. Who are the Hillsboro 2020 “lead community partners”? How many lead partners are there?
Answer: The lead partners consist of 22 community organizations and government agencies. They include, the City of Hillsboro, Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce, Washington County, Tuality Healthcare, Community Action Organization, Clean Water Services, SOLV, Hillsboro School District, Washington County Fair Board, Hillsboro Bicycle & Pedestrian Task Force, Hillsboro Community Arts, Hillsboro Arts and Culture Council, Centro Cultural, Hillsboro Downtown Business Association, Hillsboro Historical Society, Hillsboro Landmarks Advisory Council, Jackson Bottom Wetland Preserve Board, Washington County Cooperative Recycling Program, Hillsboro Economic Development Partnership, Westside Economic Alliance, Worksystems, Inc., and Washington County Department of Aging and Veterans Services. Read more about the lead partners >>


9. How much of the Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan implementation is the responsibility of the City? What is the value of the City’s 2020 Action Plan implementation projects this year?
Answer: The City of Hillsboro has the largest number of actions with 58 out of 147 in its portfolio. This fiscal year (08-09), the City’s budget includes approximately $4.6 million in Vision-related projects and programs.


10. What is the purpose of the annual Hillsboro 2020 Vision Town Hall? When is the next one? What will we do there? Can I attend?
Answer: The purpose of the annual Hillsboro 2020 Vision Town Hall is two-fold. First, to let the community know the implementation status of the Hillsboro 2020 Vision. Second, to offer the opportunity for Hillsboro citizens to give input regarding the Vision Action Plan. The next Town Hall is scheduled for April 29th and will be held at the new Hillsboro Civic Center.

Each Town Hall meeting includes an open house where the Hillsboro 2020 lead partners host display tables with information on their Vision projects and programs. There is a presentation about the status of the Vision Action Plan and usually a project that is highlighted. Finally, a facilitated community discussion is conducted for public questions and comments regarding the Vision. Childcare and Spanish translation equipment is also provided for the entire event.

Town Halls have been well attended. They have been lively events with food and local musical talent. It’s a fun activity that the public is welcome, and encouraged, to attend. Please plan to put this event on your calendar for this year.


11. How long will it take for the entire Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan to be implemented?
Answer: 20 years. The Action Plan is intended to be implemented between 2000 and 2020 to achieve the Vision created by Hillsboro citizens and adopted by the Hillsboro City Council.


12. What happens after the 2020 Action Plan is implemented?
Answer: It is difficult to project 20 years into the future, let alone beyond that. The Vision will hopefully serve as a foundation of for future planning processes. Also, the Hillsboro 2020 Vision is a “living document,” which means it will evolve over time to keep our vision on track and in tune with community values and priorities. This aspect will help build a foundation for longer term planning beyond 2020.


13. Is the Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan making a difference in our community? Has it been worth the time, effort and money that have been invested in it?
Answer: Yes, the Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan, is making a difference in our community. Over 117 of the 147 vision actions are underway or completed. This progress is manifested on numerous levels by our 22 lead partners. Some examples:
The Vision has helped to initiate some long-term planning efforts:

  • A citizen Bicycle/Pedestrian Pathways Task Force has been formed to develop an integrated system of sidewalks and bicycle paths to serve the entire City.
  • The Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce has held an “On-Line Technology for All” symposium to initiate discussion on closing the “Digital Divide.”
  • The City of Hillsboro Parks and Recreation Department has completed a Parks Master Plan update process involving the community.

The Vision has influenced or given priority to key “bricks and mortar” projects:

  • The new Hillsboro Downtown Civic Center will include a plaza for public events and gatherings – a feature specified in the Hillsboro 2020 Vision.
  • The Civic Center design incorporates aspects of the Hillsboro 2020 Vision including the use of sustainable development techniques, inclusion of public meeting space, and public art.
  • The Jackson Bottom Wetlands Education Center was recently completed – a priority project in the Vision.
  • The Glenn & Viola Walters Cultural Arts Center will be finished this spring – another priority project.

The Vision has facilitated the initiation, enhancement, and/or priority of some programs:

  • The Hillsboro Shute Park Public Library established the Digital Bridge program, with computers donated by Intel, to increase access to training and use of computers. Classes are conducted in English and Spanish.
  • The Hillsboro Police Department has enhanced its School Resource Officer program.
  • The Hillsboro School District and the City of Hillsboro Parks and Recreation Department have teamed to provide a pilot after school program at McKinney and Ladd Acres Elementary Schools.
  • The Community Action Organization and Tuality Healthcare have partnered to expand healthcare referral services.
  • The City of Hillsboro Water Department has continued it Water Conservation Program.
  • Hillsboro Community Arts has expanded local musical performances and produced a “First Tuesday” art event.
  • Local citizens have formed a Hillsboro Historical Society.
  • Tuality Healthcare has established a new child care center.


14. What are some examples of specific Hillsboro 2020 Action Plan projects and activities that have already been accomplished?
Answer: See answer to question 13.


15. Who is paying for all of these activities in the community? How much of the cost is covered by the City or other public agencies? What is the exact price tag?
Answer: A variety of entities are funding the Vision action items. Although our 22 community lead partners are charged with facilitating their respective Vision Action items, they are not necessarily the source of funding. Each lead partner is responsible for locating or raising monies for their respective actions – whether through their own organization, or in partnership with other organizations, using grants, or whatever means works best for them. Depending on the action, some organizations are able to handle smaller projects within their current operating budgets. Hence, many of the Vision action items you see underway are funded in different ways.

At this point it is impossible to calculate the total cost of Vision implementation. Although the Vision Actions Teams, who developed many of the actions based on the Vision and community input, were asked to provide an estimated cost, those figures were very broad estimates.
The City of Hillsboro, the primary lead partner with 58 actions in its portfolio, has allocated approximately $9.6 million toward Vision-related activities during the first four years of Vision implementation (2000-2004).


16. Is the Hillsboro 2020 project considered a success? Has it been recognized for its accomplishments?
Answer: If you consider the number of actions underway or completed in the first three years of implementation, one might consider the Vision a success. With more than 80 of the 114 actions underway or completed, the Hillsboro 2020 Vision is definitely demonstrating accomplishment.

The Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan has been recognized at the state, national, and international levels. In 2000, the City of Hillsboro received the League of Oregon Cities’ Good Governance Award for Hillsboro 2020. In 2002, the City received the International Association for Public Participation’s Core Values Project of the Year Award for Hillsboro 2020. Our vision planning and implementation process is also being watched by planners across the United States and even abroad. In addition, the City has received numerous inquiry calls regarding Hillsboro 2020 from across the nation and abroad.


17. How can I become involved in Hillsboro 2020? Can I become a volunteer for Hillsboro 2020 or for one of the community lead partners?
Answer: The single most important thing about Hillsboro 2020 is bringing community together to achieve long-term community goals. None of this would be happening, if citizens and volunteers had not given of their time and energy. There are many ways to get involved in Hillsboro 2020:

  1. Add your name and contact information to our mailing list.
  2. Attend the next Annual Vision Town Hall on April 29th. If you are on our mailing list, you will be notified in advance.
  3. You can become involved with a Hillsboro 2020’s partner organization, or volunteer to help implement a “vision-friendly” project of one of these organizations. Just sign up today by contacting the City, or signing up on this page.


18. How can I get more information on the Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan? Who do I contact if I have other questions?
Answer: You can contact the City of Hillsboro by phone or look at the Hillsboro 2020 web page. If you want to speak to someone by phone, the phone number is (503) 681-5233 which is the City of Hillsboro’s Administration Department.


19. Is Hillsboro 2020 the same as VisionWest and/or the Vision Action Network? If not, what are the differences?
Answer: No. The Hillsboro 2020 Vision involved and was targeted for the Hillsboro community. The planning process was facilitated by the City of Hillsboro.

VisionWest was Washington County’s Visioning process which focused County-wide issues rather than individual cities. When the VisionWest planning was completed, the responsibility for implementation was given to a newly created non-profit organization called the Vision Action Network.

The City of Hillsboro and Washington County worked together on these respective long-term planning processes. Some of the members of the Vision Implementation Committee also participated in VisionWest, and subsequently, are working with the Vision Action Network. In addition, there has been continued staff communication between the City and the County during planning and implementation.



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