Hillsboro, Oregon--On May 19, 2003, Hillsboro 2020 Vision Implementation Committee (VIC) will meet to finalize its annual report and evaluate its efforts during the last year. The VIC is the watchdog committee charged with tracking the progress of 114 projects and programs identified in the Hillsboro 2020 Vision. More than 20 community organizations are actively engaged in implementing the Hillsboro vision.
Hillsboro 2020 emerged from an extensive community planning process that involved citizens, businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies. It produced a 20 year vision based on community values and priorities. Hillsboro 2020 is a “living” document that includes specific strategies and actions to insure that the vision becomes a reality. The projects and programs address a broad range of community issues including education, arts, environment, public safety, health and economic development.
The meeting will be held in the Public Services Building Cafeteria, 155 N. First Street in Hillsboro and will run from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. and is open to the public.
More information about Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan can be found on the City of Hillsboro’s web page, http://www.ci.hillsboro.or.us.